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CSRD requires more carbon footprint calculation

Product carbon footprint calculations are required by CSRD

Carbon footprint calculation will increase due CSRD and SMEs must also prepare for the carbon footprint calculation of products.

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Vantaa Energy is preparing for CSRD requirements – Case

Vantaa Energy is preparing for the requirements of the CSRD and has determined its greenhouse gas emissions. The calculation was based on the GHG Protocol and ESRS E1 standards.

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CSRD reporting is increasing and can also bring benefits.

CSRD – Does sustainability reporting bring any benefits?

Many new companies will fall under the scope of the CSRD directive. Increased sustainability reporting can also have its benefits.

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CSRD and and the changes it brings are now on everyone’s lips, and the first year of the directive has been kicked off.

What is the status of emissions accounting regulation?

A lot is going on with emissions accounting at the moment. In this blog, we will summarize what has been happening lately and what is coming up next.

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Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

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