Calculate your company's carbon footprint with our easy-to-use calculators

Carbon footprint information is now being asked from many directions. EU legislation obliges more and more companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions, customers ask companies for emission information, and pioneering companies take climate issues into account in everything they do. Manage your company's emission reduction efforts using the carbon footprint platform.

All prices exclude VAT (VAT 0%).


OpenCO2 API - basic

Reliable emission factors for companies' own systems

  • One emission factor group
  • Emission factors validated by experts and updated monthly
  • Possibility to select your preferred units for emission factors
  • More emission factor groups available at an extra cost
  • 1 hour deployment support
  • API key authentication

2.950 €

/ 12 Months

OpenCO2 API - pro

Reliable emission factors for companies' own systems

  • 5 groups of emission factors
  • Emission factors validated by experts and updated monthly
  • Possibility to select your preferred units for emission factors
  • More emission factor groups available at an extra cost
  • 3 * 1 hour deployment support
  • API key authentication

4.950 €

/ 12 Months

OpenCO2 API - unlimited

Reliable emission factors for commercial use

  • The entire database in use
  • Emission factors validated by experts and updated monthly
  • Ability to conduct emissions calculations for large companies
  • Also suitable for application developers
  • Deployment support by contract
  • API key authentication
  • Possibility to Ecoinvent -emission factors

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