News related to climate issues and carbon footprints are raising awareness.
Articles> Kotipizza developed the Pizza Meter converter – Case
Kotipizza is known for its delicious pizzas.

Kotipizza developed the Pizza Meter converter – Case

Aug 18, 2022 | Sari Siitonen |Case

Kotipizza Oyj is the largest pizza restaurant chain in the Nordic countries. Kotipizza has calculated the carbon footprint of its pizzas, which are visible to customers through the chain’s online Climate Calculator. For its marketing purposes, Kotipizza integrated a Pizza Meter converter into its communication channels, allowing customers to compare the carbon footprint of pizzas to everyday experiences. Kotipizza requested OpenCO2net to determine the emission factors of ten different everyday actions or experiences for the converter.

OpenCO2net identified emission factors for ten experiences with emissions similar to those of Kotipizza’s pizzas. The emission estimations do not correspond to official carbon footprint calculations but are indicative for marketing purposes. The factors were defined based on the CO2 Converter of the carbon footprint platform and a comprehensive emissions database.

“Consumers benefit from understanding the climate impacts of food. It enables more responsible choices. Through the converter, customers can easily compare the carbon footprint of pizza, for example, to heating a sauna. The calculated estimations of emissions from experiences are based on the most accurate information possible and increase general understanding not only of food but also of the climate footprint of other everyday activities. The Pizza Meter converter supports the communication of our new Climate Calculator, and the collaboration with OpenCO2net in the project went exemplary”, says Kotipizza’s Director of Sustainability Anna Rahikainen.

Explore Kotipizza’s Pizza Meter converter here. You can see Kotipizza’s Climate Calculator and the carbon footprints of food products in Kotipizza’s online store at

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Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

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