Data and OpenCO2-API

The core of emission calculation consists of reliable emission factors. To meet the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), many organizations are obligated to calculate the carbon footprint of their actions. However, searching for reliable and up-to-date emission factors consumes resources. In order to facilitate the effort of updating the emission factors and automating the calculations, we offer access to emission factor data through our API-solution. With the OpenCO2-API, the emission factors can be integrated into organizations’ own systems.

How do I find the most reliable emission factors?

The’s emissions database consists of validaded emission factors that are gathered from reliable sources. With the provided emission factors, you can easily implement emission calculation in accordance with the GHG Protocol and ESRS standards.

Search for an emission factor

The benefits of OpenCO2-API


Versatile use

With the OpenCO2-API it is possible to integrate emission factors into your current systems, your carbon footprint calculators or into your other applications.


Automatization of calculations

You can save resources as our experts have collected and validaded the emission factors for you. At the same time, the manual work and human errors decrease.


Reliable and up-to-date emission factors

The high quality emisson factors improve the accuracy of emission calculation. This also enables the verification of the calculation.

How to start using OpenCO2-API?

Click here to get the API-solution for your needs.

Want to discuss more about your options?


Key words: Data, API, Emission factor, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint calculation / Carbon footprint calculator, Emission calculation, CSRD, ESRS