Comparing emissions helps to understand the magnitudes and makes choices easier.

Put the amount of your emissions into perspective with easily understandable, everyday things.

Do you want to know how much emissions, for example, driving a car or eating a steak cause? Or vice versa. Do you want to know how many kilometers driven by car or steaks eaten are equivalent to a certain amount of emissions? Click the indicator you want and choose which way you want to make the conversion. Remember to pick a suitable unit for CO2 emissions from the drop-down menu.

Find out how much carbon dioxide a forest absorbs.

Carbon dioxide absorbed by a tree

tons of carbon dioxide can be absorbed by 0,0cubic metres of tree.
Discover the cost of carbon dioxide emissions.

Monetary value of carbon dioxide

tons of carbon dioxide are valued at 0,0euros in the EU’s Emissions Trading System.
Use the driving CO2 converter to calculate how much CO2 emissions traveling by car generates.

CO2 emission of a car

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0kilometres of driving.
Find out how much carbon dioxide emissions flying causes.

The carbon footprint of a flight in Europe

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0passengers' roundtrip flights to Munich.
Find out how much carbon dioxide emissions gasoline use causes.

CO2 emission of gasoline

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0litres of gasoline consumption.
Find out how much carbon dioxide emissions heating a sauna causes.

CO2 emission of heating up a sauna

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0times of heating up an eletric sauna.
Find out how much carbon dioxide emissions drinking milk causes.

Carbon footprint of one litre of milk

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0litres of milk production.
Find out the carbon dioxide emissions of meat consumption.

Carbon footprint of a steak

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0of beef stakes (150g) production.
How much are the annual carbon dioxide emissions of a Finnish person?

Annual CO2 emission of a Finn

tons of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,0of the annual CO2 emissions of a Finn.

Need more comprehensive tools?

As a paying customer, you can access one of Europe’s most extensive and easiest-to-use emissions database, the company- and product-specific calculators, carbon handprint calculator, emissions monitoring, and emission scenario tool. We can also produce a customized calculator for the OpenCO2net platform that suits your needs.

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By comparing different products and services, you can make more climate-friendly choices. You can make comparisons by using the CO2 converter.
Emissions database

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