OpenCO2net – Terms of Service

(1 February, 2025)

These Terms of Service apply between OpenCO2net Ltd (hereinafter “Vendor”) and you, either an individual or a single legal entity (hereinafter “You”, “User”, “Non-Commercial User”, “Commercial User” “Enterprise User”, “Service Provider User”, “SME User”, “Customized Calculator User”, “API User”).

These Terms of Service apply to the OpenCO2net Service provided by OpenCO2net Ltd (hereinafter “Service”).

These Terms of Service define the rights and obligations of all Users granted a temporary right to use the Service.

By using the Service, registering as a User of the Service, or accessing the data provided by the Service, the User agrees to these Terms of Service and undertakes to comply with them. If the User does not agree to the Terms of Service, registration cannot proceed, and the User may not use the Service.

The Vendor may suspend or terminate the provision of the Service to a User who fails to comply with the Terms of Service.

The Service is constantly being developed, and when functionalities are changed or added, the Vendor reserves the right to update these Terms of Service accordingly.

Purpose of the Service

The Service is intended for organisations and individuals who want to use OpenCO2net’s carbon footprint and carbon handprint calculation tools and emissions database.

OpenCO2net is a browser-based SaaS service running in the Microsoft Azure cloud.


UserAny user of the Service, including Non-Commercial Users and Commercial Users.
Non-Commercial User Any registered or non-registered user of the Service with non-commercial rights. A registered Non-Commercial User has limited access to the Data and available functionalities. A non-registered Non-Commercial User has limited access to the Data.
Commercial User An Enterprise User, Service Provider User, SME User, Customized Calculator User, or API User entered into a separate commercial service agreement with OpenCO2net Ltd.
Enterprise User A user representing an Enterprise or organization that has subscribed to one or multiple concurrent enterprise user rights to Service.
Service Provider User A user representing an enterprise or organization that has subscribed to one or multiple concurrent service provider user rights to the Service and provides services based on the utilization of the OpenCO2net Service.
SME User A user representing a small or medium-sized enterprise who has subscribed to one or more concurrent user rights to the Scope 1 & 2 calculator for SMEs, the Organization calculator for SMEs or the Product calculator for SMEs.
Customized Calculator User An enterprise or organization that has subscribed to a customized OpenCO2net-based calculator or has obtained access to a customized OpenCO2net-based calculator through another enterprise or organization.
API user An enterprise or organization that has subscribed to the OpenCO2 API and uses the emission factor data from the OpenCO2 emissions database via the interface.
Client An enterprise or organization that may have one or several Commercial users. Commercial users connected to the Client have access to the Data stored by each other.
Data Set A database including emission factors, product data, technical data, and all feed-in or calculated data or reports.
Service OpenCO2net website, which offers Users tools and emission factor data for determining carbon footprints and carbon handprints.
VendorOpenCO2net Ltd

Users and Data Set

The Data Set contained in the Service is managed in the OpenCO2net database maintained by the Vendor. The Vendor has a full and unrestricted right to use, modify, reproduce, license, and sell the Service and the data included in the Data Set.

A Non-Commercial User has the right to use the free emission factor data and services, open to all, by referring the OpenCO2net Service as a data source. A Commercial User has the right to use the Information in accordance with the commercial service agreement to be concluded separately.

A User has the right to save the Data needed to use the Service in the database. Data added to the Service can only be edited by the User who added the data, another User connected to the same Client, or the Service administration team.

The Data Set stored by Users is managed in the OpenCO2net database. The Data Set is maintained by Users and the Vendor. The User grants the Vendor the full and unrestricted right to use, modify, reproduce, license, and sell the data included in the Data Set.

Registration for the Service

To register for the Service, the User selects a username (email address) and password. These login details are personal or organization-specific and may not be disclosed to third parties. The User who registered for the Service is responsible for these login details. The User will not be able to obtain any refund or other compensation from the Vendor in the event that the login details have been used by third parties. In such cases, the User shall immediately report abuse of login details to the Service administration team using the feedback form available on the website or by sending an email to info(a)

A minor must have a permission from a parent or guardian to register for the Service.

After registering as a Non-Commercial User of the Service, an enterprise or organization can access the commercial service by purchasing from the Vendor the Enterprise User subscription, Service Provider User subscription, Scope 1 & 2 Calculator subscription for SMEs, Organization Calculator subscription for SMEs, Product Calculator subscription for SMEs, Customized Calculator and related subscription or OpenCO2 API subscription.

The Service can be ordered using the feedback form available on the website or by sending an email to info(a)

Processing of personal data and privacy

The Vendor processes personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. Personal data collected by the Service are stored in the OpenCO2net Ltd’s customer and user register maintained by the Vendor.

The Vendor will never disclose the personal data it collects from Users to third parties, except for contractual partners belonging to the Service administration team.

The User agrees that the data may be used for statistical or research purposes, so that an individual User cannot be identified.

Under current data protection legislation, the User has the right to access, request a correction to and prohibit the use of his/her own personal data. The User can ask for his/her personal data to be deleted by sending a message using the feedback form available or by sending an email to info(a) Data may be deleted if the data controller is not legally obliged to retain the data.

Personal data will be stored only for as long as required by the purpose of the register or the applicable legislation.

The Vendor's privacy policy can be found here.

Intellectual property rights

Ownership and copyright of the OpenCO2net Service and all other intellectual property rights (including copyrights, unregistered and registered trademarks, design rights, patents, domain names, trade secrets, and database rights) related to the Service and the material contained therein belong to OpenCO2net Ltd or its affiliates. All rights not explicitly granted in these Terms of Service are reserved. The use of the Service does not give the User any direct or indirect rights to any intellectual property rights of the Service.


Any copying or reproduction of the OpenCO2net website, even in part, is prohibited under copyright law.

Use of the website for commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission from the Vendor (such as the agreement regarding the Service Provider User subscription).

Non-Commercial User may refer to the use of the OpenCO2net Service when publishing calculation results only if the Non-Commercial User has confirmed in writing that the calculations and reports have been verified by the Service Provider or its partner.


The Vendor guarantees that the Service will be provided to Commercial Users in accordance with these Terms until 31 December 2026.

The Vendor does not guarantee the correct operation of the Service or its functionalities or features.

The Vendor does not guarantee the suitability of the Data Set for the User’s intended purpose. Use of the Data Set is at the User's own risk.

Limitation of liability

The Vendor shall not be held liable for the accuracy of the source data used in the delivery of the Service, nor for the accuracy of the data entered into the Service by the Users. The Vendor shall not be liable for any damages resulting from lost data.

The Vendor shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of using the Service or any outage of the Service.

The Vendor shall not be held liable for any delay or damage caused by an impediment beyond its control and which the Vendor could not have reasonably taken into account at the time of entering into the Agreement and the consequences of which the Vendor could not reasonably have avoided or overcome. Unless otherwise specified, such force majeure shall include, but not be limited to, war or insurrection, flood, earthquake or other similar natural catastrophe, interruptions in general traffic, data communication, denial of service or supply of electricity, import or export embargo, strike, lockout, boycott or other similar industrial action.

The Vendor is only liable for mandatory legal obligations. For each case, the Vendor’s liability is limited to a maximum of the subscription fee fully paid by the User for the Service during a 12-month period.

The User shall indemnify and hold the Vendor harmless against all claims, liability, damages, cost, and expenses arising out of or related to the User's breach of these Terms of Service. Any User who is in breach of any of the provisions of these Terms of Service shall be liable for all damages and losses arising from the use of Service (including but not limited to license fees, business profits, direct and indirect losses and damages).

Other terms and conditions

In all cases, the Vendor reserves the right to maintain and update the Service on a regular basis, which may temporarily limit the availability of the Service. The Vendor does not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of the Service for Non-Commercial Users.

The availability and service levels for commercial users will be defined in separate commercial service agreements.

The Vendor has the right to suspend the provision of the Service at any time for a valid reason.

The Vendor has the right to partially or fully disable the Service or limit the use of the Service, for example due to excessive load, updating or other necessary reasons.

The Service may contain advertising.

By registering for the Service, the User agrees that the Service Provider may send email or other communications related to the use and marketing of the Service. The User also has the right to opt-out of marketing messages.

The Vendor may enter into agreements with other legal entities for the use of the services on the website. However, the Vendor will never disclose any personal data collected from users to its partners, except for the contractual partners belonging to the Service maintenance team.

Governing law and dispute resolution

This agreement shall be governed by Finnish law, except for its choice of law provisions.

Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement or any breach of this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties. If no consensus is reached during the negotiations, the dispute will be resolved in the Helsinki District Court.

Contact details

OpenCO2net Ltd (2796796-7)
Luuvantie 42
02620 Espoo

You can contact us via the feedback form found on the website or by sending an email to info(a)

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