Customized calculators are always tailored to your needs.

Customized calculators

Customized calculators are the easiest, most reliable, and most cost-effective way to determine the carbon footprint of your business, product, or event. We map out all emission sources for the calculator, select reliable emission factors, define the system boundary, and do other work required for the calculation.

Based on the information we collect, we build a calculator, and all you have to do is enter the correct data into the calculator. We check the timeliness of the calculator and update the emission factors on the calculator once a year. Instead of paying for an expert carbon footprint calculation each year, you only pay the annual maintenance fee for the calculator after the customization fee.

Get a customized calculator
All you have to do is collect the data to be entered into a customized calculator.

Here is how to get access to a customized calculator


Try out

The free CO2 commuting calculator is a simple example of what kind of customized calculators we can implement.

Test the calculator

Contact us

Fill out the contact form below, and we will get back to you. Let's arrange a meeting to review your needs and goals for your customized carbon footprint calculator.



We will execute a customized calculator production project with you and take care of calculator maintenance and annual updates.

Do you want to hear more about our services?

Contact us via the form or directly to our expert, and we can figure out together which calculator would work best for your organization.


Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

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