With the CO2 calculator for meals, you can find out the climate impact of the meals served by your restaurant quickly and easily. Use the results from the calculator to compare emissions and develop and communicate climate-friendly dishes.
The results are easy to save. You can take advantage of previous calculations in subsequent calculations. It is also easy to start building your climate strategy and carbon neutrality roadmap based on the calculation.
Be a pioneer in your field by calculating the climate impact of your dishes. In addition to the raw materials used, you can look at the impacts of energy consumption and meal deliveries on emissions. By looking at the different options, you can find a cheaper and more climate-friendly way to operate.
Do you know which dishes in your restaurant have the most significant climate impact? And why? With the help of the calculator, you can easily find the dishes that burden the climate the least. In the calculator, you can compare different options for the recipe. Along with the cost, you now get a new indicator to help you develop your own recipes.
The company's responsibility is reflected in its actions, and concrete climate actions also create a good foundation for the credibility of communications. The CO2 calculator for meals is a concrete tool for developing a more sustainable business and building a brand.
A responsible company also attracts new customers and employees. Communicating the results of the CO2 calculator for meals can bring in new customers or even change the choices of your existing customers - thus increasing your sales.
Contact us via the form or directly to our expert, and we can figure out together which OpenCO2.net calculator would work best for your organization.
Sari Siitonen
Founder, CEO
+358 40 761 5221