CO2-converter is based on the emission factors mainly from the extensive OpenCO2 Emissions Database.
The background to the calculation is described in more detail below.
Various kinds of trees absorb different amounts of carbon dioxide when growing. This calculation has been developed for birch. Birch binds 0.904 t CO2/m3. This value is based on birch’s basic density of 0,4975 t DM/t and the carbon content of a tree at 0,4961 (Luke, 2016).
EEX’s price for the emissions allowances in the EU’s Emissions Trading System has been used as the value of the emission tonne (70.72 eur/t CO2, Jun 4, 2024)
The emission factor used is the average CO2 emissions of passenger cars used in Finland published by Traficom. NEDC method. ( 139.9 g CO2/km)
Defra’s coefficient (with radiative forcing) has been used as the emission factor for the flights HEL-MUC and MUC-HEL. ( 185.92 g CO2/km). The length of the round trip is 3144 km (ICAO).
The Statistics Finland’s Fuel classification coefficient has been used as the emission factor ( 2.02 kg CO2/l)
Heating a sauna for 2,5 hours with the electric heater of 8 kW consumes 20kWh of electricity. The emission factor of average Finnish electricity purchase (National residual mix of electricity reported by the Energy Authority) has been used ( 554.9 g CO2/kWh)
The Natural Resources Institute Finland’s emission factor for milk has been used as the emission factor ( 1.4 CO2-ekv./kg)
The Natural Resources Institute Finland’s coefficient beef from the dairy cow has been used as the emission factor ( 14.6 kg CO2-ekv./kg)
The carbon footprint of the citizens’ private consumption in the year 2021, calculated by the Finnish Environment Institute, has been used as the emission factor, being 7.7 tonnes (SYKE, 2024).