News related to climate issues and carbon footprints are raising awareness.
Articles> OpenCO2net is involved in discovering the textile industry's carbon footprint
OpenCO2net was chosen as a partner to investigate the global emissions of the Finnish textile industry.

OpenCO2net is involved in discovering the textile industry's carbon footprint

Mar 2, 2021 | Anna Gaib |News

OpenCO2net, in collaboration with Finnish Textile & Fashion, is carrying out a project to investigate the climate impacts related to the global supply chains of Finland’s textile industry and to develop a tool for carbon footprint calculation.

The project, which started in early March, investigates the indirect climate emissions of Finnish textile industry companies, considering the entire production chain, including outside the country’s borders. In addition to the investigation, a concrete calculation tool is being developed for industry companies, allowing even small and medium-sized companies to determine their carbon footprint based on calculation standards. The tool will become part of a broader initiative to promote carbon neutrality in the industry, about which Finnish Textile & Fashion will provide more information during the spring.

“It is wonderful to be able to collaborate with Finnish Textile & Fashion. We have helped several textile companies determine the carbon footprints of their operations and products, and now we can expand our analysis to cover the entire industry. In this project, we are also developing an carbon footprint calculator that takes the needs of the textile industry into account”, says the CEO of OpenCO2net, Sari Siitonen.

More information can be found on Finnish Textile & Fashion’s website.

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Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221