provides all the tools you need on your journey to carbon neutrality.


The best emission factors and carbon footprint calculators



OpenCO2net has been renewed

What is OpenCO2net?

OpenCO2net is a carbon footprint platform developed by experts. On OpenCO2net, you will find one of the biggest up-to-date emission factor database in Europe and standards-based tools to promote companies’ journey towards carbon neutrality.

The tools allow businesses effortlessly and reliably to determine and monitor their greenhouse gas emissions and model the emission trends. Our service also includes reliable emission factors and a carbon handprint calculator.

It is also possible to create various customized emission calculators on the platform.

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Why choose OpenCO2net?


The most up-to-date emission data

We want to ensure that you have easy access to the latest emissions data in Europe. We have a constantly growing emissions database that we update twice a month, allowing your decision making to be based on the best and the latest information.


Developed by experts

We have developed our platform to meet the needs of our customers. For your business, this means a solution based on the latest research and expertise.



You can be sure that with our calculators you will get reliable results. We provide calculators based on the world´s most recognized standards whether you want to calculate your organization´s or your product´s carbon footprint.


The solution for every need

Whether your business is large or small, or if you are interested in the carbon footprint of your product or your entire company, our platform is for you. We also help you to find a way to make a positive impact on climate change.


Carbon footprint in a clear and simple way

No more complicated systems or messy excel sheets. We offer you an easy-to-use and intuitive browser-based solution. Best of all, you don't need to be an expert to get reliable information on your carbon footprint.

Services and tools for companies

OpenCO2net carbon footprint platform is one of Europe’s most comprehensive toolboxes for businesses’ carbon footprint work. The paid service includes the following tools:

  • Company carbon footprint calculator
  • Product carbon footprint calculator
  • Carbon handprint calculator
  • Comprehensive emissions database
  • Carbon Footprint Label
  • Emission monitoring tool
  • Emission scenario tool
  • CO2 converter
  • Training

In addition, we can implement various customized calculators for companies, which make it possible to calculate the carbon footprint of the entire product range quickly and inexpensively.

Tools for companies
From the comprehensive selection, you will find various OpenCO2net tools.

Free tools

Search for low-emission products or services and determine the climate impact of your consumption choices.

With the converter, you can compare the sum of emissions with familiar, everyday things.
CO2 Converter

Put the amount of your emissions into perspective.

Compare how different modes of transport affect emissions from your commuting.
CO2 commuting calculator

See how much your commuting causes emissions.

Find out easily the climate emissions caused by heating your home.
CO2 heating calculator

See how much your home's heating is causing emissions.



Turku Energia calculated scope 1-3 emissions – Case

Turku Energia calculated scope 1-3 emissions as part of their preparation for CSRD and obtained access to the OpenCO2net platform for the coming years.

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Zerow gained access to textile emission factors through the OpenCO2 API

An Italian textile company Zerow wanted reliable emission factors to support its climate work.

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OpenCO2net helped Nevel to calculate scope 3 emissions

Nevel calculated its scope 3 emissions – Case

Nevel, preparing for CSRD requirements, wanted to determine the scope 3 emissions of its own activities.

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OpenCO2net Oy is the most reliable partner in emissions accounting.

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