Heating a home often has a significant effect on the carbon footprint of Finns.

CO2 heating calculator

Find out the climate impacts of different heating options and how the heating of your home affects your emissions.

Do you want to implement your own emission calculator? If you need a customized carbon footprint calculator for your business, your website, or to support your sales, contact us via the form down below or directly to our expert. Let’s figure out what kind of OpenCO2net calculator would work best for your organization.

Test the calculator
The calculator helps to compare the climate impacts of different heating sources.

Do you want to hear more about our services?

Contact us via the form or directly to our expert, and we can figure out together which OpenCO2net calculator would work best for your organization.


Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

OpenCO2net Oy is the most reliable partner in emissions accounting.

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