News related to climate issues and carbon footprints are raising awareness.
Articles> Five good reasons to choose OpenCO2net
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Five good reasons to choose OpenCO2net

Mar 26, 2024 | Anna Gaib |Blog, platform

When starting a carbon footprint calculation, the right tools, high-quality data, and well-done background research are important. provides all the tools you need for calculating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions. We summarized the strengths of our tools into five points.

We have the most up-to-date data. We want to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date emission factor data in Europe. We have a constantly growing emission factor database, that is updated twice a month. By relying on the emission factor database, you can conduct calculations based on the best and latest emission factors.

The calculators are developed by experts. We understand the needs of businesses and have developed the calculators based on those needs and the latest research.’s carbon footprint calculators and data collection process are verified by the international accredited certification and classification society DNV.

Standard-based and reliable. We provide calculators based on the world’s most recognized standards, which also comply with the requirements of the CSRD directive.

A solution tailored to your company’s needs. The carbon footprint platform serves small and large companies, regardless of whether you want to calculate the carbon footprint of a product or a company. On our platform you will find calculators for both corporate-level greenhouse gas emissions accounting and product carbon footprint calculation. In addition, you can analyse actions to affect your emissions.

Easy-to-use and clear. You can say goodbye to complicated systems and messy excel sheets. With’s tools, calculations are easy, comprehensible, and cost-effective. We provide a browser-based solution that does not require expertise to use and allows you to perform as many calculations as you want.

We are already trusted by dozens of Finnish companies. Are you interested? Book a demo, and we will tell you more.

OpenCO2net Oy is a Finnish expert company providing tools and services for carbon footprint calculation. We are one of the few expert companies in Finland solely focused on greenhouse gas accounting. We are known for our high quality and Finland’s most comprehensive emission factor database, which includes over 4,000 up-to-date emission factors validated by our experts.

Do you want to hear more about our services?

Contact us via the form or directly to our expert, and we can figure out together which calculator would work best for your organization.


Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

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