News related to climate issues and carbon footprints are raising awareness.


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What is SBTi, and what kind of companies can join it?

Many companies consider setting a science-based target (SBTi), but what does it mean in practice?

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Irish cybersecurity company tested footprint calculator

Smarttech247 calculated its Scope 1-3 emissions – Case Study

A cybersecurity company founded in Ireland tested carbon footprint calculator and calculated company's scope 1-3 emissions.

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Spend-based calculation and a reliable carbon footprint

Carbon footprint calculation with spend-based data

Many companies would like to calculate emissions easily and quickly based on purchasing data, but is spend-based calculation reliable?

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Reliable emission factors in carbon footprint calculation

Emission factor data – and its reliability – is the key to effective climate action

Reliable emission factors are of important in emission calculation, but what is high quality emission data like and where can you find the most reliable emission factors?

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CSRD requires more carbon footprint calculation

Product carbon footprint calculations are required by CSRD

Carbon footprint calculation will increase due CSRD and SMEs must also prepare for the carbon footprint calculation of products.

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Read on to find out how you know it the carbon footprint calculation is reliable.

How to know if carbon footprint calculation is reliable?

How does one know if the carbon footprint calculation result is reliable? Find out by reading our blog.

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Prepare for scope 3 accounting in advance

Prepare for scope 3 accounting in advance

The need for scope 3 accounting increases with the CSRD, and companies should prepare in advance. In the blog, we explain what you need to know about scope 3 accounting.

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Tackle greenwashing with reliable climate data

The EU aims to tackle greenwashing with the ECGT Directive and the upcoming Green Claims Directive. Read our blog to find out what this means for businesses

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CSRD reporting is increasing and can also bring benefits.

CSRD – Does sustainability reporting bring any benefits?

Many new companies will fall under the scope of the CSRD directive. Increased sustainability reporting can also have its benefits.

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What is the carbon footprint of celebrating Christmas? How to diminish your impact on climate?

Carbon footprint of Christmas

What is the carbon footprint of celebrating Christmas? How to diminish your impact on climate?

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CSRD and and the changes it brings are now on everyone’s lips, and the first year of the directive has been kicked off.

What is the status of emissions accounting regulation?

A lot is going on with emissions accounting at the moment. In this blog, we will summarize what has been happening lately and what is coming up next.

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turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table

Five good reasons to choose OpenCO2net provides all the tools you need for calculating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions. We summarized the strengths of our tools into five points.

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Sari Siitonen

Founder, CEO


+358 40 761 5221

OpenCO2net Oy is the most reliable partner in emissions accounting.

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