Understanding the basics of carbon footprint calculation is necessary, whether you intend to conduct the company’s carbon footprint calculation yourself or hire an external consultant. The reliability of the calculation result may raise concerns. Is it possible to accidentally engage in greenwashing? Even though there is a risk of providing incorrect information in carbon footprint calculation, these pitfalls can be easily avoided. We have compiled a list of how to identify high-quality carbon footprint calculations and what to consider when planning one.
Carbon footprint calculation standards guide the process of carbon footprint calculation. Utilizing standards ensures that all relevant issues are considered in the calculations and that the calculations are consistent. Well-known standards for organization-level emissions accounting include the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards, ISO 14064-1, and ISO 14069. Standards for product-specific calculations include, for example, ISO 14067 and PAS 2050. Although there are several standards, don’t be confused – they all aim towards the same goal. If the calculation is not based on any standard, it is not a carbon footprint calculation but rather an emission estimation.
Contrary to common belief, in a company’s carbon footprint calculation, scope 3 emissions, which arise from value chains and purchases are not optional to calculate. Standards guide precisely what should be included in the calculation, and any excluded emission sources must be carefully justified in the report.
Emission factors can be found in various online sources. For the reliability of carbon footprint calculations, it is important to ensure that the highest-quality emission factors are selected. Primarily, primary data is always used, meaning emission factors that have been reliably calculated for the specific emission source. Such data can be obtained, for example, directly from the electricity provider for electricity-related emissions, or from a reliable carbon footprint calculation conducted by the supplier for purchased products and services. If primary data is not available, high-quality secondary data is used, such as average emission factors found in emissions databases. When selecting emission factors, it is important to pay attention to the source of the data and how the emission factor is defined. OpenCO2.net provides Finland’s most extensive emission database. It offers over 3,500 verified emission factors for companies’ carbon footprint calculation needs.
Carbon footprint calculation is much more than simple multiplication and often requires expertise. Have you previously conducted carbon footprint calculations, or has an expert conducted the calculation or developed the calculator/template you used? If you answered negatively to these questions, it is very likely that the calculation would not pass our review with flying colours. Improve the reliability of the calculation by educating yourself or outsourcing the implementation of the calculator to an expert.
Verifying calculation data enhances the reliability of the calculation. However, it does not automatically mean that if the calculation is not verified, it would be incorrect or that the company would have engaged in greenwashing. Outsourcing verification to an expert eliminates the possibility of errors and confirms adherence to standards.
Carbon footprint information can be used for many purposes, such as business development, communication, planning emission reductions, and purchasing carbon offset services. The reliable calculation is the first step toward carbon offsetting, and the next step before purchasing offset services is implementing internal emissions reductions. If a company decides to offset its emissions without considering whether its carbon footprint can be reduced, it is clearly greenwashing. Conversely, if the information is used to develop climate-friendly business, emissions trends are monitored, and active efforts are made to reduce the carbon footprint, the company is on a good path towards carbon neutrality.
OpenCO2.net is a carbon footprint platform developed by experts, providing all the tools needed for companies on their journey towards carbon neutrality. We also offer comprehensive tools for consultants. Our service is suitable for calculating the carbon footprint of individual products or companies. As a paying customer, you will have access to company- and product-specific calculators, Finland’s most extensive emissions database, emission monitoring, emission scenario tools, and a carbon handprint calculator. We can also develop a customized calculator for your company’s specific needs.
Contact us via the form or directly to our expert, and we can figure out together which OpenCO2net calculator would work best for your organization.
Sari Siitonen
Founder, CEO
+358 40 761 5221