Liquefied natural gas

The emission factor for fuels shows how much emissions are caused by burning the fuel. Carbon dioxide emissions occur when the carbon in the fuel combines with oxygen during combustion. Most global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and oil).

Emission factor data: Liquefied natural gas

Emission factor categoryFuel
Company/OrganizationAustralian Government
NameLiquefied natural gas, CO2 equivalent
Emission factor51.53 t/TJ
CO2/CO2-equivalentCO2 equivalent
Life cycle stagesXXXXXXXXXXXX
Year updated2025
Year publishedXXXX
SourceDCCEEW, National Greenhouse Accounts Factors: 2024
More informationXXXXXXXXXXXX

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In addition to the information presented here, you can find more information about the type of emission (Fossil / Biogenic / Stored carbon /Carbon neutral), the life cycle stages included in the emission factor (Cradle-to-Grave / Cradle-to-Gate / Production phase / Use phase) and reliability of the emission factor (e.g. whether the emission factor has been verified by an independent third party) and other relevant information needed for the emission calculation. You can also perform unit conversions, add your own emission factors to the system and make your own list of your most used emission factors.

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